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发表于 2010-5-11 03:53:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
News words on Sino-Japanese relationship 《中日联合声明》the China-Japan Joint Statement(1972)

《中日和平友好条约》 the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship (1978)

《中日联合宣言》the China-Japan Joint Declaration (1998)

以史为鉴、面向未来 take history as a mirror and face forward to the future,learn from history and face up to the future

正确对待历史face up to history

只有一个尊重历史的国家、敢于对历史负责的国家、能够赢得亚洲以至于世界人民信任的国家,才能够在国际社会发挥更大作用。Only a country that respects history, takes responsibility for past history and wins over the trust of people in Asia and the world at large can take greater responsibility in the international community."(温家宝总理)

图谋进入联合国安理会常任理事国 bid for a permanent council seat,bid for UNSC seat,bid for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council

东海油气开发 drill for gas and oil in East China Sea

外交关系正常化 normalization of diplomatic relations

日本自民党 Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

南京大屠杀事件 the Nanking Massacre

抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japan (1937-45)

改编歪曲历史的教科书 to adopt a distorted history book

靖国神社 Yasukuni shrine

开倒车driving in reverse gear

aggression 侵略

apologize 道歉

atrocity 残暴的行为

boycott 抵制(产品等)

compensate 补偿,赔偿

conducive 有助的,有益的,促成的

confrontation 对抗

continental shelf 大陆架

controversial 有争议的

deep and profound reflections 深刻反省

defuse 使除去危险性

demarcation line 划界线

demonstration 示威,示威运动

denounce 谴责

diplomatic crisis 外交危机

diplomatic negotiation 外交谈判

endorsement 批准

enshrine 供奉,把...置于神龛内

Foreign Minister 外交部长,外相

friction 摩擦,争执

gloss 掩盖

hard-won 辛苦得来的,来之不易的

invade,invasion 侵入,侵略

massacre 大屠杀

militarism 军国主义

mutual trust 互信

norm 基准;规范

occupation 占领

one-China principle “一个中国”的原则

press for 迫切需要

protest 抗议


reciprocate 酬答

reiterate 重申

respond 响应,回应

retain 保留

right-wing 右翼势力

Self-Defense Forces 日本自卫队

September 18 Incident 九·一八事件

slaughter 宰杀,屠宰

social disturbances 社会混乱

social stability 社会稳定

South Korea 韩国

spokesman 新闻发言人

State Councilor 国务委员

the disputed areas 争议区域

undeniable 不可否认的

undermine 破坏

unilaterally-conceived 单方面认定的

war crimes 战争罪行

whitewash 粉饰,掩盖真相??
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